ADUs Are a Great Alternative to Nursing Homes

If you are one of the many Americans who provide care for an elderly relative, you may be wondering if there is a better location for them to settle down than your own house. They might be placed in a nursing home, but first, consider an accessory dwelling unit (ADU).

If you build an ADU on your property, your loved one will be able to get the attention and care they require and deserve without requiring them to leave their home. These facilities relieve caregivers’ responsibilities and are an appealing alternative to retirement homes. As you read, you will be able to learn more about ADUs in Atherton, CA, and if they are a good fit for you and your family.

Physically Close Proximity

The biggest advantage of having an ADU on the premises while providing for an aging family member or loved one is that it gives them more space and privacy, keeping them at ease and secure. When caring for a loved one, it is vital to maintain one’s self-sufficiency and independence. An ADU allows you to communicate often with your older parent, whether they are self-sufficient or you take on specific care responsibilities. This also provides them with additional possibilities to connect with you or their grandchildren, strengthening your relationship.

The Popularity of ADUs

ADUs are becoming increasingly popular as a means for hosting visitors or elderly relatives. These modest additions are generally built into existing houses to provide additional living space close to the original property.

ADUs allow families to live closer together even if they are incapable of doing so due to financial or other constraints. Suppose your family members are experiencing difficulties or desire to live independently for the first time. In that case, an ADU may offer them the privacy and help they want (in a more secure setting). Furthermore, smaller secondary houses are less expensive than more extensive flats, making them ideal for those on a limited budget.

An ADU can be a cost-effective alternative for a growing or elderly family. Its adaptable design and numerous features may make it the ideal solution to your housing issues. Additionally, the extra room will increase the overall value of your property.

Starting an ADU Building Project

Before beginning the process of building an ADU, there are a few things to consider. Before constructing your brand new ADU, you must first determine whether your property meets the criteria. The following factors must not be overlooked:

  • Property Restrictions
  • Ordinances that govern local zoning
  • The dimensions of your property

After completing these preliminary stages, you can proceed to the design and construction phases. Even if something appears to be difficult, you’ll be in luck. Acton ADU is one of California’s most capable second-home development companies. Their staff has over 30 years of overall building experience, so you can be sure that you’re in good hands. They may be able to help you with the following concerns if you are developing an additional dwelling unit in California:

  • Permits and fees are unforeseen costs in the project budget.
  • Alternatives to government-sponsored housing
  • Perceptions of the home held by others

In your backyard, Acton ADU will build a fully equipped, custom-designed, conventionally-built house. Visit their website to learn more about how other families responded to the need for extra space in your situation. One of their one-of-a-kind ADUs has a fully stocked kitchen, a comfortable living area with a mounted TV, a vast bedroom, a bathroom with stackable washer and dryer components, and an additional workplace. With so many options, you may personalize your ADU to your family’s specific needs.

Procedures for Improving Security

When building an ADU in your home to shelter elderly or disabled family or friends, there are various considerations to consider. Local building standards and security needs must be taken into account. A nonslip floor, grab bars in the bathroom, and lever handles for opening or shutting doors are some of the safety elements that may be included in an ADU instead of normal doorknobs.

Medicine, cleaning, and other simple duties may be complex, so consider what kind of assistance your loved ones may want. Acton ADU offers a number of services, like washing connections, to assist with time-consuming tasks such as laundry.

Finally, it would be beneficial if you produced a complete strategy for coping with this change and determined who will be accountable for paying for any required repairs or improvements. If you prepare ahead of time and take a look at all of your options, you can ensure that everyone involved in the process has a good and productive experience with your ADU.

Taking Care of Elderly Family Members

If someone you care for has Alzheimer’s disease or other severe medical conditions, the difficulties may be multiplied. To begin, coping with the expectations and conduct of a sick person may be challenging. Maintaining a sense of normalcy and independence while staying in an ADU can be challenging at times. Hiring an experienced nurse or personal care professional to provide constant attention and support is one solution to these quandaries.

You can obtain vital sign tests, a careful eye, and assistance with medication administration. Because the ADU is separate from the rest of the house, both the nurse and your loved one can go about their daily routines in peace, and everyone can relax in their room on bad days.

Caring for an older relative can be difficult, but there are different services available to assist, such as in-home physical therapy services. The ability to build adaptive solutions that meet both your goals and the requirements of the individual under your supervision will be critical to making this trip as smooth as possible.

Last Thoughts

ADUs offer various advantages to homeowners and their loved ones. We highly urge anybody considering building an ADU for a loved one to get involved right away. Before beginning any project, consider local zoning limits and how to expand the region to meet your objectives. The Acton ADU staff is happy to assist with any of the aforementioned difficulties as well as others. Because of their years of industry experience, you can be certain that your ADU project will be handled professionally. Let’s get started straight now by contacting them. In no time, you and your ADU team will be prepared to put elderly relatives at peace.

Luanne Marshall

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